• Question: Why do we need to be able to differentiate between humans and machines?

    Asked by Bald Beth? to Huma on 10 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Huma Shah

      Huma Shah answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      Good question Beth,

      Isn’t it better to know who or what we are talking with?

      Across the Internet some malicious programmes have been developed to trick people into thinking they are talking with a human. The tricked people could risk having their identity details used to steal money from your bank account. We don’t know how many of these malicious programmes are out there, the first we became aware of was CyberLover in 2007, and then Flirtbot in 2010.

      So to protect your identity and personal information, especially in Internet transactions, it is good to be able to distinguish between humans and machines.

