• Question: how long does it take to become a scientist???

    Asked by charlie to Huma, Jack, Lucy, Miranda, Peter on 7 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Huma Shah

      Huma Shah answered on 7 Nov 2016:

      Hello 775npug25,

      You’re a scientist already! Human babies are scientists exploring their world looking at and touching things, all new to them. Once human babies start to talk they start asking questions, that’s doing science 🙂

      Of course immediately after ‘A’ levels if you take a degree then carry on studies through a PhD you’ll become an accomplished scientist sooner. But you could also practice science in industry gaining practical experience that way.


    • Photo: Peter Boorman

      Peter Boorman answered on 7 Nov 2016:

      Hello 775pnug25,

      Everyone is born a scientist! The ability to learn and discover things about the world around you and also wanting to understand those things is all it takes!

