• Question: do you think that clever bot could be revolutionary

    Asked by lcs 3run to Huma on 17 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Huma Shah

      Huma Shah answered on 17 Nov 2016:


      Cleverbot’s developer, Rollo Carpenter, uses a different method from other chatbot designers.

      Cleverbot captures whole sentences from the users it interacts with. Other developers design their dialogue systems starting with the rules of a language, for example in English it is subject-action-object, noun-verb-noun, then build a database of words in that language. The rules then dictate how sentences should be put together.

      What Cleverbot is doing is capturing how people who interact with it say things. What other designers are doing is developing chatbots to say new sentences, but humans may not say sentences in that way.

      Both approaches have strengths and weaknesses.

      What humans do that Cleverbot and other chatbots can’t do is create metaphors and analogise, aspects of human languages that humans are good at.

      That challenge will be overcome 🙂

